Make the First Move (Escalate the Conversation)


Why You Must Improve Your Dating Life Today! (Date the Girl of Your Dreams, You Owe It to the World)

The traits, and skills, needed to improve your dating life are the same ones you need to make more money, improve your health, and to live a rich and rewarding life. You have the duty to live the life of your dreams; you owe it to the world. Don’t make it just for yourself; by improving your life you are making this a better world for everyone.

5 Reasons Guys Don’t Call After the First Date

Do you find yourself frequently not getting asked for a second date? Are you curious as to why the guy you seemingly hit it off with never called you? Do you feel like you keep doing something wrong or that there’s something about you that turns guys off?

The Secret to Having Men Find You Attractive

Do you find yourself wondering why there are certain women out there who always have men chasing after them? Are you curious what it is about them that draws guys to them? Do you wonder how you yourself can become that kind of woman?

How (Not) to Ruin Your First Date

Are you the kind of woman who has no trouble getting dates, but for some reason men don’t call back? Are you wondering why it felt like you hit it off with a guy but he never asked you out again? There are some very simple rules to follow when on a first date that will ensure that the guy you’re with will actually call.

Why It Really Doesn’t Matter If Life Isn’t Fair (You Can Still Attract Any Girl You Desire)

Let’s face it life isn’t fair. Some guys were born with a silver spoon, and the rest were born on the wrong side of the street. Some guys were born with looks while the rest live afraid of the mirror. Don’t worry, it really doesn’t matter if life is not fair, you can still attract any girl you desire.

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