How to Get Him to Date Me: A Single Girl’s Guide to Dating
You admire this guy and you’ve been dreaming about him since he spoke to you in the elevator. You wait patiently for him to ask you out on a date to no avail. You keep praying and hoping that this guy will just come up to you and tell you he wants to take you out, yes, just like that. And if that never happens? What does a girl need to do? Should you take matters into your own hands? It’s hard being a woman, even at this day and age we still adhere to certain double standards dictated by the society. Some guys don’t mind getting asked out but if you still feel iffy about that thought, there are some ways on how you can get a guy to ask you out on a date. When it comes to “how to get him to date me”, it’s important that you build some kind of attraction first. You have to catch his interest otherwise he will never notice you and all you can do is dream about him every night.
Men and Dogs, Who Makes a Better Life Partner?Still stinging from a recent breakup, I am taking an embittered yet comical look at the commonalities between men and dogs. In this article I compare shelter dogs to men with baggage, and discuss dog and human speed dating.
Ins and Outs of Interracial Dating and Relationships for Interested SinglesEntering a mixed race relationship comes with both positives and negatives. I hope to enlighten you from personal experiences that love can work. Opening to dating black or white people opposite to your race will broaden your horizons in dating.
What Do You Want From Dating? Thoughts on Dating Self DiscoveryIn order to be successful at dating you must be your authentic self. The way to do this is to determine what exactly it is you want from dating.
4 First Date Do’s And Don’tsYour first date with someone can make you feel stressed and nervous. Remember, you will never get a second chance to make a first impression, so try to make it a good one. The following suggestions will offer some beneficial guidelines on what you should or shouldn’t do on a first date so you have a better chance at leaving a good impression.