How to Get Him to Notice You More
Get down to earth advice about what it takes to get your man to notice you more. Some of the answers might surprise you!
Dating and Celibacy: The Art of Keeping Your Legs and Your Mouth ClosedThere are numerous reasons women decide to move onto the celibacy track. The question we’re exploring is: How do we hold a man’s attention long enough for him to see something special, something unique within us?
Dating – Five Things a Man Wants From a DateIf you are a woman trying to date a man, you might have had both successes and disappointments. In fact, there would have been a mix of satisfaction and pride on the one had and surprise and resentment on the other. You will be able to achieve a high level of satisfaction and success if you can find out what a man wants from a date and how you can use this knowledge to make your date a great experience for both of you.
Why Men Pull Away?Almost every woman who has dated someone in the past half-century has experienced the blowoff-also known as the fadeout or the cool pulling-away-at some point. One minute they are on the best date of their lives, the next she’s waiting to hear from him for weeks and is wondering..
10 Mistakes Men Who Have No Confidence With Women Are Making, And How To Avoid Them(This article will help men looking, to gain confidence with women, avoid common and just unnecessary mistakes that guys make. You may be doing one or even all of these, if so, now’s the time to STOP.)