The Biggest Red Flag in a Girl


How To Destroy Approach Anxiety With Mathematics

Once you’ve gotten over any approach anxiety, you’ll be able to talk to any girl you please. Imagine what that will be like?

Why You Got Dumped And How To Prevent It

Guys get dumped all the time. Often times, it comes out of the blue, but if you’re honest, you should have seen it coming.

Soulmate, Romantic Friend or Frenemy?

There is so much mystique surrounding the idea of a Soul Mate, especially in the delusional illusion idea that a Soul Mate is the romantic lead in your play. Not that a Soul Mate cannot be romantic but more times than not, a Soul Mate can come in all kinds of guises in your life. You write the scripts, you cast the players, and so amazingly you stage the performances. In the dynamics of your screenplay throughout your time continuum, you are always the central figure.

How To Screen Out Girls Interested Only In Your Wallet

Nobody likes to be taken for a ride. But sometimes, people are sneaky.

Are You Some Kind Of Player?

Most guys get thrown then they get this question. In this article, you’ll learn how to answer it.

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