Dating And Debt: How Much Is Too Much To Handle?
A recent NPR article titled ‘Call Me Maybe When Your School Loan Is Paid In Full’ highlighted a disturbing and growing trend. With the average citizen’s debt growing to staggering heights, particularly student debt, more people are considering leaving their current relationships because their significant other is carrying too much of a debt burden.
Get Over A Guy – How To Recover From A Break-Up In Time For SummerCan’t seem to find ways on how to get over a guy? Are your thoughts constantly straying towards him, too often that you’re praying to be given amnesia? Want to move on with your life, but try as you might, you still can’t stop thinking about your ex? If you’re in this type of dilemma, follow these tips on how to get over a guy, fast.
How To Read Men – 3 Tell-Tale Signs That He Likes YouWouldn’t it be wonderful if you knew how to read men like a book? Do you wish you knew how to interpret your dates’ body language? Want to know if he really likes you or not? Take note of these three tips and learn how to read men like a pro.
Are You In A Friends-With-Benefits Situation With A Man? You Might Want To Read ThisAre you in a friends-with-benefits situation now, and wishing you weren’t? Are you starting to have feelings for your guy, despite your initial intentions to keep things casual? Are you scared of the direction your emotions seem to be taking you? If you’re facing this dilemma, read on to find out how to break free of this friends-with-benefits situation.
Why Women Are Not Attracted To Nice GuysIf you have ever found yourself complaining that nice guys finish last with women, then you need to cut it out right now and deal with an unchanging reality: women do not find nice guys attractive. This does not mean that nice guys do not occasionally get dates or even marry the women they want.