How to Solidify Your Dates and Make Them All Successful
Ever have a date that you thought went successful, but you couldn’t close the deal? David Wygant’s “Art of Close” will help you succeed with your dates every time.
3 Fool-Proof Strategies to Reclaim Your ExWhile I often tend to prescribe to the “they’re called exes for a reason” philosophy, a lot of people do want to get back with their ex. Each person and relationship is different so for some this may be a desirable thing. Getting your ex-girlfriend back mainly involves a reverse psychology plan, and it takes a lot of self-control on your part. There are 3 foolproof ways to get your ex back. Keep reading to find out what they are.
What I’ve Learned About Integrity, Flakiness, and DatingFlakiness is the act of agreeing to something and not following through. This article is about why and how flakiness could be setting off unseen forces, which could be secretly ruining your life.
How to Get the Girl: Dating Advice for MenDating is one venue for two people to get to know each other better. So when you get the chance to date the person that you’re initially attracted to, you surely wouldn’t want to blow your chance. But what are good dates made of?
How to Win the Girl of Your Dreams: Dating Tips for MenFor some men, dating can really be a struggle because sometimes, it’s hard for them to figure what the girls really want. However, dating is really not that much of an impossible feat. In fact, as long as you know the general principles behind dating, you will surely do just fine.