What Women Secretly (or Openly) Love About Their Men
This is you celebrating another of God’s wonderful creatures, the male species. Let’s look at some of the things we secretly or openly love about the men in our lives.
Women’s Remarks: Decoded (She Really Meant What She Said)Yes. No. Maybe. How can we decipher the women statements to know what they really are?
Learn These Facts To Impress Russian WomenJames Bond did it and now you too could be dating Russian women. Discover 10 simple tips how to impress Anna Kournikova’s female compatriots in online dating and real life.
How To: Romantic Home Dates When You Are Both BusyA perfect relationship does not exist. At some point, you will find imperfections from the ones you love. But, that is the beauty of love–acceptance and unconditional. Reignite the passion and remind yourselves of its magnificence.
Tips to Be More Approachable to GuysTo succeed in meeting and dating men, it is important to be more approachable to guys. If men will find you hard to approach, they might just walk away even if you seem interesting. Do not let the chance of meeting someone just pass you by, here are some tips to be more approachable to men.