Make This World Your World To Effortless Seduction Success
Act like the world is yours, and it will be. Act like the world is a dangerous place that intends you harm, and it will be.
Change Her “Heart”, Not Her “Underwear”These days, men approach women after looking at their pricks. A man with a big prick feels that he’s a superman, and he approaches a woman confidently. On the other hand, a man with a small prick feels that all girls are out of his league, and he becomes a victim of low self-esteem.
The Truth About Why Some Guys Don’t Get LaidWomen enjoy sex as much as men. Then, why is it so hard for some guys to get laid? In this article I am going to show you how to avoid some of the most common mistakes, and make women see you as a potential sexual partner.
For Men: First Date Do’s and Don’tsA first date will be great, bad, or even worse, but it is still necessary to go when trying to find a potential partner. If this is a first time date, it is likely to be a quite stressful occasion, especially if you aren’t too sure how to act.
The Six Keys To An Amazing First ImpressionThis article will give guys the 6 keys to create an amazing first impression with beautiful women. Make each key a habit until you perfect the full six.