Asking Girls Their Biggest Turn Ons | Do Looks Matter? | Questions Guys are Too Afraid to Ask


The True Meaning of A Relationship

Relationships are not about you. This is a common mistake that people make. They get into relationships because they want to be fulfilled, because they are looking for someone to make them better, because they want, they want, they want. This is not to say that when you are in a relationships that these things do not happen, but you are not the focal point of a relationship. This articles talks about what a relationships are and what they are not.

5 Signs You’re Dating the Wrong Girl

In the beginning of most relationships, every seems perfect. You smile, laugh and spend all of your time with each other. However, once the dust settles and the newness of the relationship wears off, you may start to wonder if you are dating the wrong girl? Here are 5 tips to help you decide whether or not she is right for you.

10 Signs Your Date Is a Weirdo

The truth is, the arrows pointing to “weird” are always there, but we don’t always know how to see them. It’s not really a popular topic of conversation nor is it talked about in the media. I mean talking about weirdoness is weird, however, knowing the signs of a potentially toxic relationship are crucial to maintaining mental health and self-preservation.

Dating Versus Courting: What’s The Difference, and Does It Really Matter?

This article discusses the dating and courting relationship models and what they each involve. It is a general examination between the similarities and differences of each.

Top 5 Reasons She Will Say No
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When it comes to what women want in dating, men highly overrate and over-think this. As savvy and gifted as they are, women want the same things that men want. They simply want someone who is real, communicates well and has a solid sense of direction in life. If you are struggling in some of these areas, make some tweaks to turn your life in the direction your next date will be excited to hear about. Sometimes it is a small matter of simply changing the way you communicate with her when you are trying to get her attention. If you want her to say “yes” the next time, set yourself up in such a way that she won’t be able to give “no” for an answer.

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