9 Bad Habits I Wish I Stopped Sooner! | Habits DESTROYING Your Success


How to Make Sure Your Gorgeous Date Asks You Out Again

Harriet dated good looking smart guys that turned her on, but they never asked her out a second time. She was disappointed and mystified as to why the relationship didn’t go further. What she didn’t realize was that she was unconsciously giving her date the green light and as soon as he revved up she would give him the red light, until he gave up. Harriet probably had some mixed emotions going on and it ruined her dating experience until she tried my suggestions.

17 Tips to Become a Potential Boyfriend

Are you looking for a girlfriend or do you want to know how to get a girlfriend? To get a girlfriend, it all comes down to your attractiveness and qualities as a potential boyfriend. It maybe impossible to turn yourself into a perfect boyfriend, but it is possible to come close to an ideal boyfriend most women are looking for. Here are some tips to help you become a potential boyfriend and have a better chance of succeeding in the dating arena.

The Best Way To Prove A Guy Is Compatible With You

So you’ve met a guy or perhaps there’s a few on your roster. That’s the way to do it. Anyway you’re attracted to one guy in particular so you don’t need to assess if there is a physical attraction or perhaps even an emotional one on your part because you know it already.

Dating Again After Divorce – Tips Women Should Know

Divorce can have a lasting effect in one’s life and dating again after divorce can be challenging. When you first got divorced, the trauma of a failed marriage prevented you from thinking about another relationship. But after being alone for quite some time, you are thinking about dating again but you have no idea how and where to start. Here are some tips that can be very helpful in dating again after divorce.

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Why You Should Date A Foodie

Well, let’s face it, being a foodie in general is awesome. But in today’s society it seems like everyone is a foodie. With the advent of food bloggers, and Instagram it seems everyone is now taking pictures of their food, and claiming to be a foodie.

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