Dealing With Rejection – How to Bounce Back
When a relationship comes to an end it is never easy, but when you are not the one who wants to end it, it will feel a whole lot worse. You will need to have coping strategies in place to help when dealing with rejection.
The Top 3 Approaches/Suggestions On How To Meet New WomenThis article will give men looking, to learn how to meet new women, the 3 top ways to meet a never-ending supply of women. Using these suggestions will also help in building confidence with women.
Don’t Get Into A Relationship To Avoid Being Alone – Relationship and Divorce AdviceYou need to look after yourself after a major break up / divorce and jumping into a new relationship to avoid being alone is often a big mistake that I see my clients make. Read tips below to handle loneliness and actions to create more happiness in your life.
How Smoking Can Be a Major Turn Off For WomenAre you a smoker? Are you not getting dates? Is your cigarette smoking maybe turning off your potential dates?
How to Deal With Herpes and Would It Allow Me to Get Back to Dating?Herpes is a common infection which doesn’t end your life. Herpes in no way can stop you from having a lovely life like many other uninfected people. Herpes is very common all over the world with over 20% of the adult population dealing with the Herpes Simplex Virus. The infection is surely painful, but it is not life threatening. Herpes doesn’t interfere in your day to day activities and one can lead very much the normal life like they were leading before the infection.