6 Habits That Make Men Weak


How to Meet and Date Women in the Daytime

Sometimes guys don’t have time to go out much, or just don’t like the nightlife scene. The day is a great time to meet gorgeous women and add them to your dating life.

10 Worst Pick Up Lines

Most guys have the best intentions in mind while using pick up lines, but a lot of them make mistakes and use something that makes them look lame, rude or stupid. We don’t want you to pick up a slap in a face or drink on your shirt.

Women Dating Younger Men: Anatomy of a May-September Affair

Find out what are the barriers older women usually don’t dare to date younger men. Is older women dating younger men really acceptable?

The 24-Hour Chase: How to Get Her In One Day or Less

Yes, I know, this seems completely unrealistic, maybe even impossible. However, you may have seen a guy get a woman completely in less than an hour. How did he do that? Well, if you’ve ever wondered about that very thing, you’re in luck because the secrets are now yours. Just keep reading to discover them.

How to Mend a Broken Heart – Help Your Heart Heal After a Break-Up

How to mend a broken heart and get ready to move on. From this article you will find what things women can do to overcome breakups and getting better for next relationship.

See also  The Most Primal Attraction Trigger Known To Man

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