So You Don’t Have A Valentine
OK, so it’s almost Valentine’s Day and you don’t have a Valentine. You see the cards, hearts and love trinkets in the stores and the cascade of negative thoughts begin. The next thing you know you’re stuck in the world of LACK and the roaring crowd in your head spends hours filling you with all the affirmations of what you DON’T HAVE.
Some Romantic Ideas For Valentines DayStuck for ideas this valentines day? have a read through our inspiring article and get some new interesting ideas to stand out of the crowd. Some romantic ideas on places to go and things to do.
Dating Over 40 – Things You Must Avoid AlwaysAt 40 you sure have your reasons for wanting to go back into dating and probably even getting into a serious relationship. If you have serious intentions, such as getting some serious companionship, friendship or even love, then there are things you must remember to avoid at all costs to increase your success levels.
I Have Crabs (True Story)Hey, Quick story? One time, a man was walking down the beach and came upon another man fishing. Next to him was a bait bucket full of live crabs.
How To Get Your Children Involved When Dating Over 40At 40 and going back into the dating world you might already have a child or children. You should also remember that other singles you are going to meet online might also have children. Most over 40 singles are either divorced or separated and few have lost their spouses so children are expected to you should be open minded about them. If you have children, then you should never leave them out, especially when you have serious intentions with your dating.